With over 10 years of experience in providing on-site emergency services to the resource, oil and gas and infrastructure sector Rocky Mountain Mobile Medical Services provides clients with a holistic and integrated approach to managing the provision of onsite emergency services. Rocky Mountain Mobile Medical Services works with our clients to ensure an adherence to Zero Harm policies and our goal of making the workplace a safer environment for all. Rocky Mountain Mobile Medical Services operates a fleet of company-owned emergency response vehicles which can be deployed quickly to client sites. Our on-site emergency services, supported by formalized Standard Operating Policies and Procedures (SOPP’s) and senior operational management, provide a seamless interface with the client’s workplace.

Top of the line equipment – Our services offer a 24/7 Urgent Response Drug and Alcohol testing. We can work with you to help you establish a drug and alcohol testing program and importantly, a drug testing policy if this is something your organization does not already have in place. It is important that you have a well-communicated Drug and Alcohol Policy within your business or organization before introducing a drug testing program.

Training courses are conducted on topics such as WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. TDG: Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Online with Hazmat Global) Responsibilities of Joint Health and Safety Committees. Incident Investigation training. Inspection Training. Violence Prevention.

Respirator Mask Fit Testing
Fit tests should be performed per approved local standards or internationally recognized protocols:
- Prior to the first time, an employee uses a respirator.
- Whenever a different size, style, model or make of respirator is used.
- At least annually.
- When an employee’s weight fluctuates significantly or any other facial changes occur that could affect fit.

Rocky Mountain Mobile Medical Services is available to conduct onsite audiometric screening of your employees throughout western Canada.
Screening is conducted to the Canadian Standard using the latest in computer-based audiometric software. Reports from our screening can be provided to the employee and/or employer on the same day as the screening is performed.

Rocky Mountain Mobile Medical Services provide professional traffic control flaggers.
The person directing traffic is responsible for maintaining the safety and efficiency of traffic, as well as the safety of road workers while allowing construction, accident recovery or other tasks to proceed. Traffic guards are commonly used to control traffic when two-way roads are reduced to one lane, and traffic must alternate.